Installing Adobe Flash Player on a Mac
To make a successful installation of the Adobe Flash Player on Mac, the user first need to check if the software is already installed in the Mac or not. If so, the browser will ask Safari to close prior the browse proceed with the process of installation. Then the user need to check if the Flash Player is enabled in the particular system.
The user is at times not aware of the fact if the Flash Player installer has been downloaded. By default, the files get downloaded and then saved to the Downloads folder. The user need to manually change the location using "save to". The user need to first download Flash Player and then close all browsers. The file will be downloaded and saved in the default location. Then the user need to double-click the installer file and begin the Flash Player installation process.
The user using an out-of-date version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in in their Mac will receive a message either displaying “Blocked plug-in,” “Flash Security Alert,” or “Flash out-of-date” while attempting to view Flash content in Safari. Clicking on the indicator do display a message that Adobe Flash Player is out of date and that needs to be updated for successful working. Therefore, to continue viewing Adobe Flash Player content, the user need to update to a later version of Adobe Flash Player by click the Download Flash button which instructs Safari to open the Adobe Flash Player page on the Adobe website and thereafter follow the instructions on the Adobe website and download and install the latest version of the plug-in.
In case, the user need to use the older version of Flash Player then he or she can use Internet plug-in management in Safari and run the plug-in in the unsafe mode for websites that can be trusted.